Dr Boyd and Pri drawing blood for a heartworm test

Taylor doing a stellar job on the computer

Twinsies! Dr Boyd and Dr Gessner

Annabel, Mindy, and Maryanne handing out leashes, collars, and pet food

Microchip scanning (thanks to Jennifer Smith for purchasing!)
Thank you to The Flower Shuttle for delivering these gorgeous bouquets for owners while they wait!

The Flower Shuttle

Love the pride and cat signs at Purr Cup Cafe! 🌈

Raisa is a second year vet student at NC State Vet School & Annabel is in undergrad at NC State. Raisa was able to get practice doing physical exams and drawing blood today, while Annabel learned how to restrain and take temperatures. Love that we can be a part of the learning process! 💕

Raisa translating info for this sweet family and their two dogs

Thank you to Taylor for being so flexible acting as both the paperwork/computer person and tech! You rock.

The owners of Purr Cup Cafe. Thank you so much for hosting us!

Awesome team! So grateful for these wonderful humans giving up their Saturday to help animals and their owners in need. 🙏🏾