Happy Juneteenth!
Jennifer, Mindy, & Tom setting up the food/collar/toy area. Big thanks to Jennifer of Marden's Ark Dog Tales for the use of this space, the generator, and all the donations!

Lexi, Sam, & Taylor getting ready for one of our first patients. You can see Dr Gessner’s car in the background, which is where we do all our feline exams to prevent escape (until we are able to raise enough funds for our mobile unit, that is 😜)

Dr Boyd writing her records for a patient

Felicia with Fabio

Jennifer & Mindy helping an owner pick out (brand new!) collars and leashes that were donated. Thanks to Mindy for the DEGA sign she made! 💙

Dr Boyd examining a patient with Felicia’s assistance

Our awesome technician team today!

Precious with her grateful owner

Bella was not at all pleased with our veterinary services, but was thrilled to pick out a new toy that she carried to the car after also getting her new harness.

Thank you team!