Beka with a cute kitten patient

Susan & Mindy with their awesome set up of pet donations to give away
Team Operation Nahyelle, Inc.! Thank you so much for hosting us.

Amanda keeping the records in order

Lexi, Nikki, & Beka organizing paperwork

Sam & Lexi getting a weight on a cute dog. Thank you to Lexi for not only getting all the owner paperwork filled out and keeping track of the order pets were seen, but for also acting as a tech to help with the animals!

This little dog had the cutest pride dress on 🌈

Joel & Nikki clipping nails

This is the little dog that jumped out of the owner’s car before we had a chance to even see them. She came back covered in mud and excrement and a high temperature. We gave her a cold bath and her temperature normalized so we were able to vaccinate her. Poor sweet girl! What a day.

Darcy, Mindy, & Susan did such a great job distributing pet donations! Special thank you to Darcy for going out to purchase two canopy tents and chairs so that we would have more shade. So generous!

Melanie of Operation Nahyelle, Inc. So wonderful for two nonprofits in our small town to come together like this!

Our vet team. As usual, our volunteers rock! ☺️ THANK YOU ALL
This is Simba who Darcy & Dr Gessner knocked on doors after the clinic to find. He arrived at the clinic after we were finished, so Darcy gave the owners a ride home since they have no car (she knew the apartment building they were in, but not the exact apartment number). So grateful that Darcy alerted Dr Gessner to this and that we were able to track him down and help him and his kind owners!