Pilot Mountain sunset from Jomeokee Campground the night before our clinic

Such a good little kitten helper

Karen & Aimee getting a temperature on a kitten. All feline exams were done in Dr Bennett & Dr April's personal camper van (that's still in the works) to prevent any cats from escaping.

Mayberry 4 Paws & the Animal Welfare Committee of Surry Co were able to provide tons of free pet food for owners!

Karen with a patient

Aimee holding a dog for Dr Bennett

Dr Bennett & Dr April's daughter helping to deworm a kitty

Temporary bandage placed after drawing blood for a heartworm test

Erin holding a dog while Dr Bennett does an exam

Dr Linda did such an amazing job organizing all the info in the computer. And also stepped in to help us finish seeing pets at the end. We are so grateful for her help!

Erin with a patient

This dog dressed up for us and had a a pink tail 😆

Niko and his other dog friend walked with their owner for 45 minutes to get to our clinic after their ride fell through! The owner is homeless and we are so glad we could help them out. Lee with Mayberry 4 Paws kindly gave her a ride afterward so that they didn't have to walk that far in the heat again.

Duffus came at the very end of our clinic. He is 17 years old (!!!) and has severe allergies.

Dr April gave Duffus a steroid injection, then prescribed oral antibiotics and steroids to go home, and eye ointment. He was so itchy just being examined and this treatment will make him so much more comfortable!

All dogs tested negative for heartworms. Unbelievable!!

What an amazing team effort from DEGA and the Animal Welfare Committee of Surry Co!!

Dr April with Jessica and Lee. The three have been communicating for months, but just met for the first time at the clinic! Thank you both so very much for all of your organizing and planning to make yesterday such a great one.

A much needed swim in the Yadkin River for the DEGA team after the clinic. So peaceful!
Pilot Mountain view. Thank you Jomeokee Campground for being a partial clinic sponsor and providing us with such a beautiful space to camp!