Taylor with one of our feline patients. We vaccinated all cats in Dr Gessner’s car so that there was no way for them to get loose in the parking lot.
Our amazing doctor team! Dr Boyd, Dr Oldson, and Dr Gessner
Donna doing an amazing job as always, being in charge of the Rabies tags and certificates.
Dr Oldson vaccinating a dog with Jill’s assistance
Team Rabies! Maryanne, Kristine, Donna, and Alicia. These four did such a great job!!
We could never have vaccinated 145 pets today without the help of our techs, Nikki, Jill, and Taylor. Thank you ladies!
Gail and Dr Gessner. Gail is the Treasurer of Friends of Wake Co Animal Center and on the Board of Directors. She organized clinic day logistics such as traffic flow and patients and did such a wonderful job! Thank you, Gail.
We saw a lot of kitties that day!
Nikki with one of our feline patients
Maryanne, Donna, and Kristine working hard on Rabies tags and certificates
Dr Boyd snuggling one of our sweet patients 💕
This doggie did not seem excited about the Rabies clinic 😆
Jill getting some kisses 💚
Dr Boyd vaccinating an unhappy patient thanks to Nikki’s excellent restraining skills
Some of the cars had close to 10 pets!
Alicia, Gail, and Kristine, part of the awesome team at Friends of Wake Co. Alicia on the left is the founder of their amazing group and we are so grateful for them!
Our awesome DEGA team for the day!