One of our first patients

Felicia with a patient

Erin bringing the next patient to be vaccinated

Our wonderful team of techs drawing up vaccines

We saw a lot of cats once again!

This girl is 17 years old! We couldn’t believe it, she looks great and acts like a puppy.

Maryanne and Taylor working on Rabies tags and certificates

This kitty got the largest cat award for the day!

We had a steady line of cars waiting for the entire clinic

Dr Boyd and Nikki made a great team!

Erin and Felicia

This guy got a little protective when we tried to help his friend who had gotten the rope wrapped tightly around his leg.

Dr Boyd and Nikki vaccinating

Dr Gessner giving a vaccine thanks to Felicia’s excellent handling skills!

TeddyRox Foundation volunteers giving out new collars, leashes, and toys. So generous!

Dr Gessner with one of her favorites, a black cat. 🖤 (She has 5 black cat rescues at home)

Such a cute face

Our rockstar DEGA vet team!

Some of the Friends of Wake County Animal Center volunteers: Gail, Hailey, Maryanne, & Alicia. They did an amazing job organizing traffic and getting Rabies certificates done. (In addition to funding the clinic) Thank you ladies!