Our amazing team! It really is just unbelievable how the team changes every clinic, yet everyone does such a stellar job. Thank you all!!


Dr Knutzen examining Annabelle

Pri and Lexi cleaning Annabelle’s ears. Dr Knutzen sent her home with ear medication to treat her infection.


Lexi, Pri, and Jill, our awesome tech team today!

Dr Knutzen and Dr Gessner


Donna and Kim keeping the computer and paperwork organized

Mindy was in charge of the pet food/collars/leashes/toys and made sure owners were able to take home some extra goodies. Thank you Mindy!
Dr Gessner examining Lily with Jill and Pri’s assistance

Dianna, although Lexi quickly determined he was actually a male cat

Ali was given vaccines and a heartworm injection that lasts for six months. Not quite two hours later, the owner brought him back because he was having a reaction showing hives and redness. Dr Gessner and Dr Knutzen are both experienced ER doctors and immediately gave him a diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and a dexamethasone (steroid) injection. Within 30 minutes after treatment, he was showing great improvement and slowly returning to normal. The picture on the left was before and the picture on the right was during his reaction. Although reactions to vaccines and/or heartworm injections are rare, it is still possible and therefore imperative for an owner to monitor their pet closely for 12-24 hours afterward.

You can see the hives and redness on Ali during a reaction to the vaccines and/or heartworm injection he was given. This was about 30 minutes after treatment with injections to reverse the reaction.

Ali after treatment for his reaction to vaccines and a heartworm injection. You can see the swelling and redness in his face had improved dramatically, while the hives on his body were still slightly noticeable. We are so glad Ali started feeling better quickly!
Part of the beautiful Holly Springs Food Cupboard garden


Felicia stopped by after work to help us out! We are so lucky to have such amazing volunteers.

Dr Knutzen and Jill examining Monkey

Our first hedgehog patient named Togepi!

Dr Gessner and Dr Knutzen examining Togepi. Both doctors suspect Togepi is having skin and ear issues secondary to mites, so we are now treating her for that.

Dr Knutzen giving Togepi an injection to help with mites

Rascal was such a happy guy!

Bear giving Jill some snuggles

All the dogs we tested were heartworm negative!

Rascal going home